ABC of Smoking Cessation

By John Britton
Publisher: BMJ Books
Pages: 56, Date: 2004-09-13
ISBN-10 : 0727918184, 2.58 mb rar—pdf 

The ABC of Smoking Cessation explains the practical problem of smoking and its contribution to health, and what can and should be done about it.

It explains how much smoking damages health at individual and public level; the central role of nicotine addiction in smoking: how to assess and assist individual smokers to quit smoking; how to set up smoking cessation services; the problems and dealing with smoking in special groups such as the young, or pregnant women; approaches to reducing the harm caused by smoking; the economic impact of smoking; and the public health and policy initiatives that can be used to reduce smoking.

It is a practical guide to dealing with one of the most important public health problems in the world.
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