Whispers in the Dark By Maya Banks

Whispers in the Dark By Maya Banks
Whispers in the Dark By Maya Banks
There is a paranormal twist but at least it's believable. You know she has extra abilities from the excerpt so it's not a surprise. It actually enhances the story and it makes the relationship between Nathan and Shea seem natural and not forced. The plot is good and its fast paced. While here ability makes her easy to find she is still trapped long enough that she is deeply traumatized and it is by no means a fail safe because it takes a lot of her energy to make the connection. I don't think there will be other paranormal elements in future books with the exception of Rio's because Shea and her sister are likely the only ones with powers that are strong enough to make a difference. Also there were major plot twists that had me going....WHAT?????? Shea is one of the best heroines so far in the KGI series. The story also has its typical male banter that is so funny. Its a great read and I would recommend it to anyone who loves romance.
