Publisher: Newnes; 2nd edition
Date : 2001
Pages : 343
Format : PDF
OCR : Yes
Quality : Good
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0750653191
ISBN-13 : 978-075065319
Desription :
This second edition provides a readable introduction to the exciting world of electronics for the student or enthusiast with little previous knowledge. The subject is treated with the minimum of mathematics and the book is extensively illustrated.
Publisher Comments:
In Understand Electronics, Owen Bishop covers the basics needed in all the main areas of electronics with a jargon-free, informative style, and numerous illustrations. An essential book for the newcomer to electronics, this highly practical guide provides a thorough introduction to practical electronics and the basic principles of electronic components and circuitry. Owen Bishop, a leading international electronics author, takes a step-by-step approach, employing the minimum of mathematics, to create a text that is ideal for the student or enthusiast who has little previous knowledge of the subject area but wishes to find out more.
The new edition has been thoroughly updated throughout, with many new illustrations and coverage of recent advances in electronics, including a chapter on microcontrollers" the simple programmable devices that are transforming electronics project work. A new section on test equipment reinforces the practical emphasis of the book. A practical guide made highly accessible through clear explanations and numerous illustrations.
Assumes little previous knowledge of the subject area or mathematical background. Covers the basics needed in all the main areas of electronics
1 Electrons and electricity
2 E.m.f. and potential
3 Resistance
4 Capacitance
5 Inductance
6 Simple circuits
7 Semiconduction
8 Transistors
9 Semiconductor circuits
10 Power supply circuits
11 Sensors and transducers
12 Optoelectronic sensors
13 Light sources and displays
14 Test equipment
15 From components to circuits
16 Oscillating circuits
17 Amplifying circuits
18 Operational amplifiers
19 Logic circuits
20 Audio electronics
21 Computers
22 Microcontrollers
23 Telecommunications
24 Microwaves
25 Detection and measurement
26 Electronic control
27 Electronics and the future
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