Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies

Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies
Donna Rae Siegfried, "Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies"
Publisher: For Dummies; 1st edition | 2002 | 313 Pages | ISBN: 0764554220 | PDF | 10 MB

Some people think that knowing about what goes on inside the human body can sap life of its mystery. Which is too bad for them, because anybody who’s ever taken a peak under the hood knows that the human body, and all its various structures and functions, is a realm of awe-inspiring complexity and countless wonders. The dizzying dance of molecule, cell, tissue, organ, muscle, sinew, and bone that we call life can be a thing of breathtaking beauty and humbling perfection. No one should be denied access to this spectacle because they don’t come from a scientific background. And now, thanks to Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies, no one needs to be.

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