Gene Wolfe - The Shadow of the Torturer (Book of the New Sun, Vol. 1)

Gene Wolfe - The Shadow of the Torturer (Book of the New Sun, Vol. 1)
Publisher: Pocket (June 3, 1984) | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0671540661 | EPUB + MOBI | 262 pages | 200 kb + 300 kb

With The New Sun series, Gene Wolfe did to Fantasy what William Gibson, Bruce Sterling and Neal Stephenson did to Sci-fi; raised the bar for the genre and told a story that adults could read without feeling embarrassed. This is an epic up there with Lord of the Rings and Dune. It's that good. Be aware that the negative reviews here (and most of the luke-warm ones as well), miss the point entirely. The "made-up words" and "anachronisms" they mention, for example, make complete sense if you actually pay attention, and the people who call Gene Wolfe's writing "rambling and incoherent" simply aren't doing that; he's one of the smartest fiction writers alive today, just don't expect to be spoon-fed everything.