Spiral Dynamics Integral

Spiral Dynamics Integral Learn to Master the Memetic Codes of Human Behavior by Don Beck
Publisher: Sounds True Inc.,U.S. (30 April 2006) | ISBN: 1591794250 | Language English | Audio CD in MP3 | Language English | Audio Cassette in MP3/64Kbps | 480 MB

From the boardrooms of big business to the streets of the inner city, from the south side of Chicago to apartheid South Africa, Dr. Don Beck has taught people at all levels how to stop clashing and start communicating. His method is called Spiral Dynamics Integral—a revolutionary new way of perceiving human nature that lets us understand, predict, and resolve even the most difficult conflicts. In his effort to "map the genome" of the mind, Dr. Beck has created a tool he calls the Spiral, which charts the underlying reasons for virtually everything that human beings think, believe, and do. "Breaking down the 'complexity codes' that lie at the heart of a problem," he explains, "is the first step toward coming up with a real, lasting solution."

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