Williams Textbook of Endocrinology

Williams Textbook of Endocrinology
Publisher: Saunders | ISBN: 0721691846 | edition 2002 | CHM | 1820 pages | 61,39 mb

This tenth edition of Williams Textbook of Endocrinology is a milestone in many respects. A tenth edition per se is testimony to the enduring accomplishments of their predecessors, who have consistently created a product that remains the most popular textbook in this field. It is also now a half century since the publication of the first edition of Williams, a landmark suitably celebrated in a foreword by our coauthor and former editor, Dr. Jean Wilson. Two internationally renowned endocrinologists, Drs. Shlomo Melmed and Kenneth Polonsky, have joined Drs. Reed Larsen and Henry Kronenberg to formulate, co-edit, and assemble this volume. They will strive to meet the high standards maintained by Drs. Wilson and Daniel Foster during their editorial leadership.

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