Introducing Microsoft .Net, Second Edition By David S. Platt

Introducing Microsoft .Net, Second Edition By David S. Platt
Introducing Microsoft .Net, Second Edition By David S. Platt
What problems does Microsoft .NET solve? What architectural approaches does it take to solve them? How do you start using .NET -- and how do you profit from it? Get the answers to these questions and more in this entertaining, no-nonsense .NET walkthrough. The author, a well-known computer-science instructor at Harvard, covers a single topic from the top down so readers can choose how deep they want to go. Thoroughly updated and featuring three new chapters, this is the first book to read about the innovative .NET development platform.

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Toby Butler said...

.Net has always been something challenging to me that even Microsoft seems to have problems interpreting in an simple and helpful way. Platt has offered just that, an interesting and useful review of the .NET attitude.