Heaven on Earth By Constance O'Day-Flannery

Heaven on Earth By Constance O'Day-Flannery
Heaven on Earth By Constance O'Day-Flannery
For Casey O'Reilly the world was supposed to be an orderly place where you met, married and had children with the man you love. But nothing had gone according to plan. Mr. Right never made an appearance, and now, at 'thirtysomething, ' Casey figured she had a better chance at being struck by lightning than struck by love. . .but then the unthinkable happened. . .

There was no time for questions as a man slowly, deliberately, walked closer, as though he had no fear of the lightning or the sandstorm. Casey's voice was stuck in her throat. She wanted to ask him who he was, but only garbled noises emerged from her mouth as she watched him unbutton his dark coat above her. His face was hidden by a wide collar turned up and the cowboy hat pulled low over his brow, but somehow the closer he came the less she feared him.

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